Tong Fah Coffee Factory at Tenom has created a long history as coffee plants since 1969. The factory still retains it most traditional wood roasting method fashionably to retain its well knwon old flavour quality coffee to be the first and best choice for the local coffee house and the public.

Our Products

Tong fah has various range of products E.g. 3 in 1, 2 in 1, Black Coffee, and Roasted Bean Packaging.

Coffee + Sugar + Non-Daily Creamer

Coffee + Sugar

Black Coffee Mixture Bag

100% Robusta Coffee Bean

Tong Fah Coffee Blog

Tong Fah coffee will be delivering to you more information and news related to coffee. Stay tuned with us for more updates!
  • Would you wonder what is the difference between instant coffee powder and filter coffee power, besides knowing that instant coffee powder can melt instantly in the water?

  • 咖啡粉经过冲泡后,物质已经完全提取,再也不能饮用了。但是也千万别扔掉,咖啡渣也大有用处的。

  • Coffee can be enjoyed in many ways. Some take it with sugar and milk, some prefer a black coffee, while some others may enjoy their coffee with things that might be considered "odd" or "interesting"

  • 喜爱咖啡的你和我,知道咖啡樱桃需要经过处理。由于咖啡樱桃有果皮、果肉、果胶层、内果皮,所以不容易利用机器直接去除取出咖啡豆。因此人们发明了各种方法来取出咖啡豆,日晒法是最古老的方法。。。

  • After coffee is harvested, it undergoes a processing method in which the coffee beans are removed from the raw fruit. There are various techniques of processing coffee; each technique impacts the final flavor of the end product.

  • All coffee roasting equipment roasts coffee through the same process: by creating heat that transforms the physical and chemical properties of green coffee beans into roasted coffee products. Physically, the beans turn from green to varied shades of brown. Chemically,

  • Coffee is a beloved drink for many. If you're a coffee lover, it's understandable you'll want to pick the highest quality beans or grounds possible. Luckily, assessing a few factors can help you pick the right coffee for you. Check

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Special Roasted Bean (1 Pack)
Price: RM21.00
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